I arrived in St. Louis - Lambert airport around 7:00 pm. Then, I took the metrolink to downtown St. Louis. At the time that I reached Union Station in downtown St. Louis was about 7:40 p.m. It was dark by then. No sole and absolutely no one sole was walking on the street at that time, except ... me.
I walked from the Union Station to my hotel. During my 1 mile walk to hotel, I found no fast food store, no drug store, and no convenient store (except the convenient store within the gas station).
We worked in one of many buildings in downtown St. Louis. We found there are no food courts or restaurants that are within walking distance during our lunch time. Very interesting! Oh, by the way, I only saw 1 Starbucks store during my visit in St. Louis.
To visit St. Louis, we can not miss the Gateway Arch. The Arch is located in downtown St. Louis and on the side of the Mississippi river.
Gateway Arch was built as part of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. It is 630 feet (192 m) wide at its base and stands 630 feet (192 m) tall, making it the tallest monument in the United State.

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